What We Do
Premium Eye Health Checks
Routine Eye Examinations
A 60 minute consultation to assess your eye health and vision. Your optometrist will recommend specialist tests based on clinical need.
Prices range from £65 to £125 with reduced fees for NHS eligible patients
Yearly examinations covered for Eyecare Plan patients
Emergency Eyecare
Ophthalmic Investigations
Investigation of urgent worries with your eyes ranging from disturbances or sudden change in your vision, red eyes or discomfort.
Prices range from £65 to £85
Emergency care fees are covered for Eyecare Plan Patients
Relieving sore, gritty and tired eyes
Anterior Eye Appointments
Assessment, management and specialist treatment for conditions affecting the front of your eye such as dry eye, MGD and blepharitis.
Prices start from £65 and vary based on treatment
Assessments are covered for Eyecare Plan patients
Enjoy a break from Spectacles
Contact Lens Appointments
Fitting and aftercare for contact lens wearers for a range of needs and prescriptions, whether your requirements are simple or more complex.
Prices range from £95 to £195
Appointment fees are covered for Eyecare Plan patients
Repairs and Adjustments
Spectacle Servicing
We offer repairs, replacement parts and adjustments in practice or can outsource repairs for more complex breakages.
Fees vary, in-practice repairs and adjustments on spectacles purchased with us are complementary. All repairs are performed at your own risk.
Regular monitoring
Ocular Health Monitoring
Regular monitoring based on recommendations by your optometrist using specialist equiptment.
A £65 fee is incurred for each monitoring appointment
Fees are covered for Eyecare Plan patients
Childrens Eyecare
Myopia Control
Management and treatments including lifestyle recommendations as well as specialist contact lenses and spectacle lenses to slow the progression of short-sightedness in children.
Prices vary depending on treatment
Lenses for specific tasks
Specialist Prescriptions
Prescriptions and lens solutions for specific tasks to solve vision problems in your every day life from sports and hobbies to the workplace and driving.
Fees vary
20% discount offered for Eyecare Plan patients
Fashion and Comfort
Bespoke and Hand-picked Eyewear
Designer and independent eyewear ranges to suit all styles and needs, with style and fit advice from our experienced Dispensing Opticians.
Fees vary
20% discount offered for Eyecare Plan patients